Monday, July 6, 2020

UNN SMART Mobile App

The All Interactive mobile app for UNN students is LIVE. Students deserve better.
This app allows UNN users to practice computer-based Test such as PUTME, GSP, MTH, CHEM, BIO, PHY, ECO, CEDR and other General Studies (GSP) and access to past questions, CA fillers, term papers etc. It gives users a good feel of how typical Computer Based Test (CBT) are set and encourages them to practice regularly so as to achieve the required success in their exams or interview.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

2020 MTN Foundation (MTNF) Scholarship Schemes.

On behalf of the Management of MTN Foundation (MTNF), we are delighted to announce the commencement of the 2020 edition of the MTNF Scholarship Schemes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Candidates offered provisional admission are required to adopt the following guidelines to regularize their acceptance of the offer:
  • All candidates recommended for admission who have not uploaded their O’level results (WAEC/NECO) in JAMB Portal should endeavour to do so URGENTLY at a JAMB accredited CBT centre as JAMB would not recognize their admissions until they have uploaded their O’Level results that would qualify them for their chosen courses.

  • Visit the JAMB Portal and accept your admission on CAPS by clicking “Accept Admission”. Candidates who fail to accept their admission on JAMB CAPS would not be issued JAMB Admission Letter and would be deemed as not admitted.

  • Visit the University of Nigeria website ( or portal (, log in your JAMB Registration number to generate and download a Payment Invoice which contains a Remitta number, the invoice will enable you to make payment at any Commercial Bank.
  • With the Payment Invoice, the candidate is requested to pay Twenty Five Thousand Naira Only (N25, 000.00) acceptance fee. Ensure that the Invoice number is keyed in appropriately at the Bank and obtain a confirmation slip containing your Confirmation number and Invoice number.
  • Visit the University of Nigeria website ( or portal ( again and login your JAMB Registration Number, the Confirmation Number and Invoice Number, then print the Admission slip and complete the Acceptance Form online.
  • Proceed with other fee payments and registration as indicated on the University of Nigeria website.
  • Candidates should note that this admission is provisional.

  • Candidates who were offered admissions in courses other than the ones originally applied for in JAMB, either by Advert/Shopping or by Supplementary admissions MUST first accept such offer by text message to JAMB or in JAMB Portal before their admissions could be processed.


Dr. Chris C. Igbokwe

FOR CONTACTS: +2347066090955; WHATSAPP: +2348093866356

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Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Bastion of Knowledge and Inspiration BOWS OUT

Photo Credit: Azuka Ijomah
Renowned Professor of Political Sociology, author, scholar, academician, and institutional administrator, an elder statesman, an admirable politician, an influential political and intellectual leader whose contributions to the Nigerian nation in several capacities is indelible, Prof. Benedict Imeagwu Chukwumah Ijomah, who turned 80 last Saturday, 

Professor B. Imeagwu Chukwumah Ijomah, Professor of Political Sociology, author, scholar, academician, and institutional administrator. Professor Ijomah graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1963, and after 3 years as administrative officer and Assistant Registrar at the same University of Nigeria, he proceeded to Northwestern University, Evanston, where he obtained a Master’s Degree in 1967 and a Doctorate Degree in Sociology in 1969.
A member of many professional bodies: A member of the Institute of Administration & Management, Qualified member of the Institute of Sociological Association, Fellow of Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, member of Nigerian Sociological and Anthropological Society, member of American Statistical Association; member of American Sociological Association; member of International Sociological Association; and Editor of African Journal of Behavioural Sciences. 

As an activist extraordinaire, Prof. Ijomah was 
The first president of Student Union at University of Nigeria Nsukka from 1960 – 1961,
The first National Vice-President of the National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS), 
Live member of NUNS since 1962. 
The first President of the University of Nigeria Alumni Association, Nsukka, and 
The first President of the National Alumni Association of the University of Nigeria.

An ardent lover of the Blessed Virgin Mary and has published several articles in her honour. He has received several awards to his credit and was installed as a National Patron of the World Apostolate of Fatima in 2010. In 2005 he commenced work on the establishment of the Madonna International College which successfully took off in 2006. Today, Madonna International College has recorded many awards and feels satisfied to be among the best, if not the best College in Delta State. It is striking that on every birthday, Prof. Ijomah presents a publication to the country, most particularly his prodigious work on Nigerian Nationalism and the Problems of Socio-Political Integration, a work based on research.
Prof. Ijomah has published many articles and books; until his death on 13th March, 2020, he was actively writing.


Sunday, March 1, 2020


Eligibility Requirements and Application Instructions

Objective: 10 merit-based scholarships to cover tuition only, plus stipend (total may not exceed 80,000 Naira) to be awarded to students who demonstrate character, outstanding academic competence and future promise in their respective fields of study.Other extenuating circumstances, when necessary, may also be considered.
Eligibility: To be eligible, students must have completed one full academic year of study at the University of Nigeria with a GPA of 4.0 or higher on a 5.0 scale. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 4.0 or higher during their remaining years of study in order to maintain the scholarship.
Application:To apply for the scholarship, eligible students must complete and submit the application forms by the due date of March31, 2020. Applications are available online at Only applications submitted through the online platform will be accepted.An on-campus interview of all finalists will be conducted by the scholarship committee. Recipients will be notified prior to beginning their next academic year.With the exception of current UNN-USA Scholars, (recipients of UNN-USA scholarships), all eligible students are encouraged to apply.
Essay Topic: What inspired you to pursue a degree in your field of study? Upon graduation, how do you intend to use your degree to make a difference in your country and the world at large? (not less than 300, but not to exceed 500 words).
Extenuating Circumstances(optional): Please, state any extenuating circumstances that you wish the selection committee should know. (250 words or less).
TIPS: All UNN-USA scholarships are merit-based. Therefore, strong consideration is given to applicants who exhibit appropriate writing skills. So, applicants are urged to pay attention to grammar and arrangement.

NOTE: UNN-USA is an equal opportunity non-profit org. registered under chapter 501c3 of the U.S. I.R.S..

Sunday, February 16, 2020


What is a Term paper?
Term papers is a written original work discussing a topic in detail, usually several typed pages in length, and is often due at the end of a semester.
There is much overlap between the terms: research paper and term paper. A term paper was originally a written assignment (usually a research based paper) that was due at the end of the "term"—either a semester or quarter, depending on which unit of measure a school used. However, not all term papers involve academic research, and not all research papers are term papers.

Term paper work has three (3) sections  PRELIMINARIES, BODY & REFERENCES 
Preliminary pages: numbering is done using the Lower case of the roman numeral - i, ii.. Front cover - Uni. of Nig. Nsukka, Faculty, Dept. , stating the topic , read a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course GSP 101( will confirm this statement). followed by Name, Academic year, Lecturer and month and year.

The first page
i ) title
ii) Dedication
iii) Acknowledgement- express urself ;the people that helped you to that point.
iv) Table of Contents
Chapter 1--introduction
Chapter 2--(continuation of the issues raised in the previous chapter and what others said concerning the issues.)
Chapter 3-- Take a position, tell us how u feel about the topic.
Chapter 4-- Conclusion -  summary of all said and the way forward. 
Below are links  to GSP Term paper topics prepared with GRAMMARLY PLAGIARISM SOFTWARE for your purchase (PAY-AS-YOU-DOWNLOAD) Click to download.










                                                                                                       Inquiries: +2347066090955

Monday, February 10, 2020

Plagiarism CHECKER!

In the present day an entire industry has sprung up to provide plagiarized, pre-written or custom written term papers for students of varying levels of education. There are many websites that sell term papers of all levels of quality and writing proficiency, but submission of a purchased paper would be considered a serious breach of the submitting student's academic integrity by any reputable academic institution. Also, plagiarism can be unknowingly committed by students but there are quite a few steps that can be taken in order to avoid plagiarizing. When quoting another author's work, place quotation marks around the words or sentence that you take from that work, and use a footnote, end-note, or in-line citation to give credit to the original source. Merely changing a few words is not the same as true summarizing, and use of such a minorly-modified passage is still considered plagiarism unless a citation gives credit to the source.

Microsoft Digital Literacy 2019, Get INVOLVED!

A Book Review on Explorations on Style, Stylistics and The Language of Literature



Forget about those hackers in movies trying to crack the code on someone’s computer to get their top secret files. The hackers responsible for data breaches usually start by targeting companies, rather than specific individuals. They want to get data from as many people as possible so they can use, resell or leverage it to make money.

It’s not personal, at first

Hackers don’t really care whose personal information and credentials they can get, as long as they can get a lot of it. That’s why cyber criminals often target massive companies with millions of users. These hackers look for a security weakness — the digital equivalent of leaving a door unlocked or window open. They only need to find one door or window to get inside. Then they steal or copy as much personal information as possible.
Once they get your data, cyber criminals can start their real work. We don’t always know what they intend to do with the data, but usually they will try to find a way to profit from it. The effects on you might not be immediate, but they can be very serious.

All types of data can be valuable

Some data — like banking information, bank card numbers, government-issued ID numbers and PIN numbers — is valuable because it can be used to steal the victim’s identity or withdraw money. Other data, like email addresses and passwords are valuable because hackers can try them on other accounts. All sorts of data can be valuable in some way because it can be sold on the dark web for a profit or kept for some future use.

What makes a password easy to guess

If hackers can get a list of email addresses from a data breach, they already have a good start. All they have to do is pick their website of choice and try these emails with the most popular passwords. Chances are, they’ll be able to get into quite a few accounts. So don’t use any of the 100 Worst Passwords of the Century.
  • 123456 and password are the most commonly used passwords. Don’t use them.
  • Switching a letter for a symbol (p@ssw0rd!) is an obvious trick hackers know well.
  • Avoid favorite sports teams or pop culture references. Use something more obscure.
  • Don’t use a single word like sunshine, monkey, or football. Using a phrase or sentence as your password is stronger.
  • Don’t use common number patterns like 111111, abc123, or 654321.
  • Adding a number or piece of punctuation at the end isn’t good enough to make your password stronger.

One exposed password can unlock many accounts

Hackers know people reuse the same passwords. If your banking password is the same as your email password is the same as your Amazon password, a single vulnerability in one site can put the others at risk.
It’s why you should use different passwords for every single account. The average person has about 100 accounts, and that’s a lot of passwords to remember. Security experts recommend using a password manager to safely store unique passwords for every site. Firefox Lockwise is a good step in the right direction.

Hackers don’t care how much money you have

Think you don’t need to worry because you don’t have much money to steal? Hackers couldn’t care less. There are countless ways to leverage all types of personal data for profit. Through identity theft, cyber criminals can open new credit cards or apply for loans in your name. By getting your financial information, they can make purchases or withdrawals. These attackers can even find ways to target your friends and family once they gain access to your email.

Credits: FIREFOX